CLOE is the publisher of said platform, the person responsible for the publication and the owner of all the content.

CLOE is a domain name operated by SAS CLOE with a share capital of 1000,00 euros.

The company has been registered in the Trade and Companies Register since 6 May 2021. Registered office: 54, rue Coriolis – 75012 Paris

Identification number: 899 119 192 R.C.S Paris.

Orias number : 17007068. CNIL declaration N°1836642v0 dated February 18, 2015. Site:

CLOE is also subject to the supervision of the ACPR (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution). Address: 4 Place de Budapest CS 92459, 75436 Paris. Site :

In the event of a complaint, first consult your usual contact person at CLOE.

If you are not satisfied with its response, you can call on the insurer's claims department, whose contact details appear in the General Provisions.

If your dispute is not resolved by the insurer, you can contact the independent mediator whose contact details are as follows:
La Médiation de l'Assurance
TSA 50110
75441 Paris cedex 09

If you have any questions about the company, you can send us an email to the adresse or by phone at +33 6 58 67 68 20.

Hello, welcome to CLOÉ! Amel, Charlotte, and Saïd are here to answer all your questions.

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